Lawyerly Lairs: A Federal Judge’s Mansion, On The Market For $8 Million
This magnificent home was the scene of a terrible crime.
This magnificent home was the scene of a terrible crime.
According to police, the men targeted the home because it was large -- 27,000 square feet, to be precise -- and not because of its high-profile owners.
Recent CounselLink upgrades integrate the full in-house workflow with the broader suite of LexisNexis products.
You'd think that after he was disbarred, got ordered to refund excessive legal fees, and had his law firm dissolved and placed into receivership, not much else bad could happen to Stan Chesley -- but you'd be wrong.
How long of a prison sentence did Jamyra Gallmon receive for the murder of DLA Piper associate David Messerschmitt?
Stan Chesley -- the "Master of Disaster," the "Prince of Torts" -- is not going gently into that good night.
What got this prominent plaintiff-side lawyer into trouble? Hint: it's all about the benjamins....
We highlight steps lawyers should consider to move toward their desired outcomes.
* Yes, we have seen the excellent GW Law Revue video based on the Cee Lo Green song (embedded above). No need to send it to us again. In fact, please do not send us links to any Law Revue videos until we announce the start of our third annual Law Revue Video Contest (perhaps […]
As we previously mentioned, and as Lawrence Hurley of the Daily Journal reports here, Congress is considering a proposal that would raise federal judges’ salaries by a significant margin. Here’s what the new scale would look like (with current salaries indicated parenthetically): District Court Judges: $247,800 (up from $165,200)Court of Appeals Judges: $262,700 ($175,100)Associate Justices […]